Russell Bryant deja Digium
Russell Bryant nos da una sorpresa a todos a través de un anuncio en su blog, donde nos anuncia a todos que se va de Digium y deja el liderazgo del proyecto de Asterisk aunque comenta que continuará con el proyecto pero no de la forma en que venía haciéndolo.
En su blog, un escueto post anuncia el motivo de su marcha:
I began working on the Asterisk project in 2004. My work on Asterisk has led to an exciting career in open source software engineering. At the end of July 2011, I will be leaving Digium to take on some new challenges. Specifically, I will be joining the Cloud Infrastructure team at Red Hat as a Principal Software Engineer where I will be working on projects related to clustering, high availability, and systems management. Additionally, I will be moving back to Charleston, SC to be closer to my family.
While I will no longer be working with Asterisk full time, I still plan to participate in the open source community. I am excited to watch both Asterisk and Asterisk SCF continue to evolve and grow. The engineering team at Digium, as well as the global Asterisk development community are as strong as they have ever been and will continue to accomplish big things.
I have met many great people from all over the world in my time with Asterisk. Thank you all for making the past seven years so memorable.
Best Regards,
Russell Bryant
…sin palabras…