Elastix 0.9 final version released!
Acaban de publicar la versión 0.9 final version de la distribución Elastix con los siguientes cambios con respecto a la 0.8:
- First edition of User Manual!
- FreePBX 2.3.1 with un-embedded option
- Asterisk 1.4.13
- Unicall support
- MFC-R2 signaling support
- OpenVox device support including A800 and A1200 cards
- New beta version of driver installer for Rhino cards
- OSLEC echo canceller included and manageable from Web interfase
- mISDN upgraded to 1.1.6. New supported hardware such as BRI OpenVox cards
- New package updating module
- OpenFire admin interface included on the Web
- Backup/Restore improvements to store historical backups in Elastix itself
- New hardware detection tool via Web
- RPM reorganization to avoid Elastix upgrade issues
- Serbian language support
- Elastix version number is now visible on the web interface
- Updated online help
- Web interface menus have been reorganized
- Development packages are now included to aid software development
- Added ‘database’ authentication type in freePBX
- vTigerCRM is now entirely installed
- Incorrect php-pcntl module removed
- Fixed bug in PBX->System Recordings
- Fixed warnings in the amportal script
- Last minute patch to support OpenVox B200P
- Wrong php-pcntl package removed
- Message Of The Day (MOTD) updated to include instructions on settting up a static network interface if DHCP is not present
- Openfire wrapper fixes to launch the service from the Web Interface
- Added patch fixing Music-on-hold problem with Unicall
- Added patch to fix a bug on the Elastix Web interface regarding the freePBX MOH module
- Many bug fixes
La verdad es que estos chicos se lo están currando.
Más información: http://www.elastix.org/