Voz sobre IP High Quality
Me hizo gracia la primera vez que lo ví con el logotipo HD ese de las plantallas de plasma, en un teléfono IP.
Me puse a investigar qué traía de High Definition que no trajeran otros y la respuesta fue sublime:
«Is HD VOIP something that consumers should consider when choosing a VOIP service, or is it more marketing lingo to work through?,» she writes. «As I understand it, HD, high definition, or wideband VOIP refers to voice sampling at 16 kHz rather than at the measley 8 kHz supported by the PSTN and just about everyone else. If you capture voice with a wider spectrum of frequencies, the quality is better.»
«Sounds good to me, but the catch is you have to have HD end to end in a VOIP call. It’s no good having 16 kHz at one end and 8 kHz at the other. In fact, 16 kHz downsampled to 8 kHz (which happens if you are calling a landline) may sound worse than 8 kHz from start to finish.So I guess you can make the argument that HD or wideband VOIP is wasted on the masses when most calls travel partially over the PSTN or use VOIP networks using an 8 kHz voice capture process.»
Enlace: http://www.polycom.com/solutions/1,1694,pw-17155,00.html?trackID=17155&track=pwHome
Enlace: http://blogs.zdnet.com/ip-telephony/?p=1427
Lo que está claro es que tardará algún tiempo en que veamos un VideoTeléfono barato con HD. 🙂